Eye Foundation from 1984 to the present...

Do You Pay Attention to Eye Health?

When a person is born, we say: "he opened his eyes to life". We perceive our eyes as the window to life.


  • The first 5 years of age is very important in the treatment of lazy eye !
  • Eye shift in infants cannot be neglected.
  • It will be very useful to examine our babies when they complete their sixth month, our children when they gain the ability to express themselves at the age of 2-3 years and before they start school.
  • Visual impairment may be the cause of school failure !
  • People with headache should first have an eye examination.
  • Glaucoma (eye pressure) is an insidious disease that results in blindness if left untreated. Patients with eye pressure should not stop their medication unless the doctor recommends it.
  • Diabetes leads to haemorrhages in the retina of the eye.
  • People with blood pressure and diabetes should have an eye examination at least once a year.
  • Light flashes, black spots may be a sign of retinal tear.
  • Yellow spot disease is the most common cause of blindness over the age of 60. It is more common in those with a family history, those who are overexposed to sunlight, smokers and those with hypertension. When vision problems begin, the quality of our life decreases.


To realise the importance of our eyes, close them for just one minute!

Prepared by the Editorial Board of Eye Foundation Hospitals.

Last Published


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