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What Are You Wondering About Eye Health?

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the newborn baby's eye examination performed?

There is no rule that a newborn baby is born with healthy eyes. The need for glasses, strabismus, cataract, eye pressure, eyelid deformities, tear duct obstruction, eye tumours and all kinds of similar eye diseases can be seen in the newborn baby. Therefore, every newborn baby should have a routine eye examination within the first 6 months.

I work with the computer all the time. Will my eyes deteriorate?

Looking at the computer screen does not actually cause a refractive error, in other words, it does not spoil the eye. In people with refractive error, working on the computer for a long time can cause fatigue, eye and headache. Using appropriate glasses eliminates these problems. During a careful look at the screen, the number of blinks decreases, which causes the eye surface to dry out. In cases where the ambient humidity decreases, the rate of tear evaporation increases in air-conditioned environments such as offices, and we should increase the number of blinks and work by taking breaks to prevent drying of the eye surface.

The top level of the computer screen should not exceed your eye level. This will allow your eye to be in a slightly downward-facing position during work, which will reduce the surface of the eye from which tears can evaporate by narrowing your lid space slightly.

I am diabetic, will I have problems with my eyes?

Diabetes can affect the blood vessels and cause haemorrhages in the retinal (nerve) layer of the eye. The more attention diabetics pay to their metabolic control (AKŞ below 20 mg%, control of hypertension, total lipids and cholesterol within normal limits), the more they will delay the damage to the vessels. Diabetics should undergo a detailed eye examination once a year. If haemorrhages in the retinal layer have started, these controls should be performed more frequently.

My son's glasses number is constantly growing. What measures can I take?

Myopia (nearsightedness) usually starts at primary school age and grows in parallel with the growth of the body throughout adolescence. It is useful to check the eyes of children who have trouble seeing the board in class and who fail in their lessons.

Are there any advantages of using lenses over using glasses?

  • Displays objects in their actual size.
  • Provides better and wider field of view.
  • No condensation.
  • Provides comfortable and unrestricted sports and activities.

How is cataract diagnosed?

Blurred vision, faded colours and sudden changes in spectacle size are the most obvious symptoms of cataract.

I want to get rid of glasses, can I have surgery?

  • Over 18 years of age,
  • The degree of spectacles has not changed in the last 1 year,
  • Myopic, hypermetropic, and astigmatism visual defects,
  • Does not have any medical problems in the eye (glaucoma, cataract, uveitis retinopathy, etc.),

Anyone who wants to get rid of glasses and contact lenses is a candidate for this treatment.

How is lazy eye diagnosed?

Our eyes are one of our most valuable organs. We should pay attention to our eye health and not neglect our controls. Even if the eyes look normal, the first examination should be done at the age of 1. Then, examinations are repeated at the age of 5 and when starting school. Generally, lazy eyes that occur in one eye do not give symptoms and cannot be detected unless they are examined. The first 5 years are very important in the treatment of lazy eye.

My child has a slipped eye, what should I do?

In the first 3 months, occasional eye shifts in infants are normal. Subsequent shifts should be evaluated by an ophthalmologist. In infants, symptoms such as whiteness, redness and slippage in the pupil may be signs of intraocular tumour. Treatment is possible in early diagnosis.

My one-month-old baby's eyes are burring, what could be the cause?

Burrs from birth should be seen by an ophthalmologist, as they may be due to infectious diseases that can threaten the eye. Obstruction in the tear duct may be responsible for watering from birth. It improves 90% with appropriate massage, and if it does not improve until 1 year of age despite massage, it can be resolved with probe application. Surgery may be required in patients who do not improve despite probe application.

I was told that my father has eye pressure, can you give information?

Glaucoma (Blackwater Disease) is an insidious disease that causes gradual weakening of the visual nerve and loss of visual field due to increased intraocular pressure, resulting in blindness if left untreated. This disease, which does not give any symptoms in the early stages, is detected by a detailed eye examination. People over 40 years of age are recommended to undergo a detailed eye examination once on the way.

My eye has been twitching for 15 days, what could be the cause?

Fatigue, insomnia, stress and caffeine can cause twitching. Computer use and bright lights can also be stimulating. It may help our patients to pay attention to their sleep and rest hours, avoid stressful life, reduce computer use, use soft and non-bright lighting in their homes, and cut down on coffee.

For 1 week I have black flickers in front of my eyes and lightning flashes. Could it be important?

Suddenly appearing black spots, flies and flashes of light may indicate a tear in the retinal layer. It is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist immediately. If the tears are detected at an early stage, they can be treated without the need for surgery by preventing retinal detachment (separation from the nerve layers) by surrounding them with a laser.

What is Night Blindness (Chicken Black)?

Night blindness, commonly known as chicken black, is an eye problem caused by vitamin A deficiency. This disorder, which is caused by the inability of the nerves going to the brain to fully function, can also be passed on genetically and is progressive. It is a common disease in our country due to the high number of consanguineous marriages.

What is Cornea Transplantation (Keratoplasty)?

It is also known as eye transplantation. The cornea is the transparent layer of the eye, which is located at the front of the eye and plays a major role in visual function. The process of replacing the damaged cornea (transparent layer) of the eye with a healthy cornea is called "CORNEA TRANSPLANTATION" or "CORNEA TRANSPLANTATION" or "CERATOPLASTY" in medical language.

What is Stye (Push Elbow)?

Hordeolum, commonly known as stye or dog elbow, is a staphylococcal inflammation of the glands located in the eyelid. If the infection is located in the Meibomius glands, it is called 'internal stye', and if it is located in the Zeiss or Moll glands, it is called 'external stye'. Internal stye manifests itself as an abscess deeper in the lid, while external stye manifests itself as an abscess closer to the skin.

In both cases, complaints start with itching, redness and swelling, and may progress to abscessation over time. The eyelid may even swell completely. If the patient has inflammation of the base of the eyelashes, usually more than one swelling may occur. Rarely, abscesses spontaneously heal by emptying out from a place close to the eyelash edge. In the first days of treatment, it may be sufficient to apply a warm dressing to the eye where the stye is located, local antibiotic pomades and systemic antibiotics may be required in advanced cases. Sometimes a nodule may remain after the acute infection has passed, in which case the cystic structure must be surgically evacuated.


You can reach our hospital for all kinds of issues about eye health, you can get detailed information about your eye problems and learn the process information for treatment.

Prepared by the Editorial Board of Eye Foundation Hospitals.

Last Published


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