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What is BLEPHARITIS (inflammation of the eyelash base)?

Blepharitis, which we call blepharitis, is one of the most common eyelid diseases. Blepharitis is a chronic disease characterised by redness, itching and eyelash loss. The most common causes include skin diseases or bacterial infections.

In skin diseases such as acne rosesea (rosacea), eczema, atopic dermatitis, which disrupt the structure of the skin and cause dryness, the function of the oil channels at the base of the eyelashes is impaired. In addition, various bacterial infections cause deterioration in the skin flora, causing an increase in the mites called Demodex, which are found in our own flora, and   leads to inflammation of the eyelash base.

Patients with blepharitis present to the eye clinic with complaints of severe itching, redness of the eye and loss of eyelashes. Patients with eyelash inflammation often develop stye (chalazion) due to blockage of the sebaceous ducts. Since eyelash inflammation is a chronic disease, periods with more or less complaints can be seen.

How is it treated?

The most important method in the treatment of blepharitis is eyelash hygiene. For this purpose, patients are asked to clean the eyelash bases with special solutions and wipes. In addition, they are asked not to use make-up materials, soap and alcohol-based solutions that may disrupt the skin Ph value. Another simple method to ensure eyelash hygiene is to wash the eyelashes with baby shampoos.

Styes may develop on the upper or lower lids due to eyelash inflammation. In this case, the stye is treated with various medications. In some cases, the stye does not pass and turns into a cystic structure and takes the name of chalazion. Chalazion cannot be treated with medication and surgical intervention is recommended.

Prepared by the Editorial Board of Eye Foundation Hospitals.

Last Published


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