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What is Femtolasik Bladeless Lasik?

The most important step in Lasik treatment is the creation of a valve called a flap from the upper part of the cornea. Femtosecond laser technology has been used in recent years to create the flap. Femtosecond laser is a device that can create incisions in the desired depth, width and shape in the tissue. FS 200 femtosecond laser is the fastest and safest technology developed for this purpose. 

Femtolasik (Bladeless Lasik) Advantages:

  • - This device has virtually eliminated the complications that can be seen in previously used microkeratome systems.
  • - Femtosecond laser can be used to create flaps specific to the person's refractive error.
  • - Especially in the treatment of hyperopia and astigmatism, the results are more successful.
  • - Corneal biomechanics are better preserved in femtosecond laser flaps.
  • - Lasik can be applied especially in patients with limited corneal thickness since it can lift flaps of the desired thickness.
  • - Since the flap interface is smoother, less aberration (light deviation) develops after laser treatment.
  • - Femtosecond flaps have a lower risk of developing dry eye, especially in elderly patients.
  • - Femtosecond laser systems can be used for corneal implants, keratoplasty (corneal transplantation) and astigmatic keratotomy procedures as well as flap formation. 

Prepared by the Editorial Board of Eye Foundation Hospitals.

Last Published


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