Place and Year of Birth: Adapazarı, 1971
Foreign Language: English and Turkish
Education: 1995, Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
Expertise: 2000, Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
Organisations Worked For:
Professional Interests:
Member Associations:
Publications, Poster and Free Paper Presentations:
Premium IOLs and astigmatism management. Optimisation of toric IOL outcomes TOD Webinar 4 November 2020
Impact 3 Cataract and astigmatism management workshop Webinar (4-9 October 2020)
Current treatment approaches in refractive surgery: Wavelight future treatment methods Alcon Webinar 4 June 2020
Trifocal intraocular lenses and astigmatism management 29 May 2020 Alcon Webinar
Cataract and Refractive surgery skill transfer course: Pentacam System in Topography 1 March 2020 (Bursa TODEM)
Approach to residual refraction in refractive lens surgery TOD 53rd National Ophthalmology Congress (6-10 November 2019) Antalya
Toric lens marking methods Impact 2 Caratact and Astigmatism management workshop (26-27 October 2019) Istanbul
IOL selection in premium lens surgery TOD 3rd Live Surgery Symposium (20-22 June 2019) Istanbul
Complications after corneal cross-linking prevention and management Gozde Agenda (19-21 April 2019) Cyprus
Complications and management of phakic IOLs TOD 52nd National Ophthalmology Congress (13-18 November 2018) Antalya
Live surgery Alcon Panoptix Toric implantation TOD 2nd Live Surgery Symposium (28 June-1 July 2018) Istanbul
Other methods in the management of astigmatism Gözde Gümdem (23-25 February 2018) Cyprus
Astigmatism management in refractive cataract surgery TOD Istanbul Branch monthly scientific meeting 18 January 2018
Refractive surgery interactive session - Moderator TOD 51st National Ophthalmology Congress (24-29 October 2017) Antalya
Patient and method selection in refractive surgery 24 April 2017 Retina Eye Hospital Bursa
Correct patient selection in femtosecond laser-assisted phacoemulsification surgery TOD 50th National Ophthalmology Congress (9-13 November 2016) Antalya
Method selection in refractive surgery TOD 50th National Ophthalmology Congress (9-13 November 2016) Antalya
Patient selection and topographic features in corneal refractive surgery TOD Spring Symposium ( 27-29 May 2016) Istanbul
Marking methods and toric intraocular lens implantation TOD March symposium 11-13 March 2016 Adana
Case presentations in cataract and refractive surgery TOD Bursa branch monthly scientific meeting (26 February 2016) Bursa
Differences of femtosecond laser-assisted phacoemulsification surgery from standard surgery TOD Istanbul Branch monthly scientific meeting (21 January 2016) Istanbul
Alcon Satellite Live Surgery TOD 49th National Ophthalmology Congress (4-8 November 2015) Istanbul
Corneal cross-linking combined with topography-guided excimer laser treatment in ectatic corneal diseases : Panel TOD 49th National Ophthalmology Congress (4-8 November 2015) Istanbul
Current Cataract and Refractive Surgery Telemedicine Centre of Kosovo Sept 2015 Kosovo
Early results of Corrneal Crosslinking treatment combined with Topography guided Excimer laser in keratoconus patients (TOD 48th National Ophthamology Congress) 5-9 November 2014- Antalya
Refractive surgery : Surgical technique (TOD 48th National Ophthalmology Congress) 5-9 November 2014 -Antalya
Biometry TOD Spring Symposium (23-25 May 2014) Istanbul
Patient selection and topography in refractive surgery TOD Istanbul Branch monthly scientific meeting(15 May 2014) - Istanbul
Femtophaco debate TOD 7th Live Surgery Symposium (23-24 February 2014) Istanbul
Femto-Phaco luxury or essential ? 1 st International Ophthalmology Conference of Haifa Eye Hospital (16-18 January 2014) Bahrain
Acute endothelitis after crosslinking treatment: A case report. Ali Sipahier, Mithat Altuğ,Zerrin Tuncer (TOD 47th National Ophthalmological Congress)
The effectiveness of arcuate incisions in correcting preoperative astigmatism in femtosecond laser-assisted phacoemulsification surgery Ali Sipahier,Özbek Eren,Seçkin Erdem, Ercan Sağlam (TOD 47th National Ophthalmology Congress)
Femtosecond-assisted phacoemulsification surgery-debate TOD Spring Symposium (17-19 May 2013) -Istanbul
Flap removal with femsaniye laser TOD Istanbul Branch monthly scientific meeting April 2012-Istanbul
Wavefront Treatment: TOD Cataract and Refractive Surgery Unit 5th Live Surgery Symposium 10-12 February 2012
Effect of Mitomycin C on Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy Tayfun Apuhan, MD, Yavuz Selim Yıldırım, MD, Faruk Eroglu, MD, and Ali Sipahier, MD. J. Craniofac Sug 2011;22: 00
Evaluation of flaps created with different speed femtosecond laser (150Hz and 30 Hz) in terms of surgical procedure and postoperative results: Baris Yeniad,Ali Sipahier,Faruk Eroglu,Ahmet Gücükoglu (TOD 44th National Ophthalmological Congress)
Evaluation of complications of keraring implantation in patients with keratoconus : Ali Sipahier,Beris Yeniad,Faruk Eroğlu,Ahmet Gücükoğlu (TOD 44th National Ophthalmological Congress)I
Flap complications in intralase laser Faruk Eroğlu,Ali Sipahier,Ahmet Gücükoğlu (TOD 43rd Ophthalmological Congress)
Keraring Implantation results in keratoconus:Ali Sipahier,Faruk Eroğlu,Barış Yeniad,Ahmet Gücükoğlu. Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology 2009;39,361-365
Wavefront guided LASIK and iris registration in patients with mixed astigmatism : Baris Yeniad,Ali Sipahier,Faruk Eroglu,Ahmet Gücükoglu (27th congress of ESCRS)
Vision with multifocal aspheric intraocular lenses: Ahmet Gücükoğlu, Ali Sipahier, Faruk Eroğlu (TOD 42nd National Ophthalmological Congress)
Our results of Kerarring implantation in keratoconus: Ali Sipahier,Faruk Eroğlu, Ahmet Gücükoğlu. (TOD 42nd National Ophthalmological Congress)
Optical Coherence Tomography ed; Hihmet Özçetin Retinal Vascular Occlusions and OCT
Sipahier A, Eroğlu F, Gücükoğlu A. 67-78, 2007- Pozitif Matbaa-Zeiss
Wavefront treatment with iris recognition system in eyes with mixed astigmatism: Faruk Eroğlu, Ali Sipahier, Ahmet Gücükoğlu.(TOD 41st National Ophthalmological Congress)
Multifocal silicone aspheric intraocular lenses: Ahmet Gücükoğlu,Faruk Eroğlu, Ali Sipahier (TOD 41st National Ophthalmological Congress)
Wavefront treatment with iris recognition system: Our early results : Ali Sipahier, Faruk Eroğlu, Ahmet Gücükoğlu (TOD 40th National Ophthalmological Congress)
Results of trabeculectomy in different types of glaucoma: Ali Sipahier, Belgin Izgi, Gulcin Turker . Turkish Ophthalmological Journal 2004; 34(1):20-30
Glaucoma and optic disc : F.Yeşim Demirci, Ali Sipahier. Turkish Ophthalmological Journal 1999;29(2):180-187
Application of triamcinolone acetonide (IVTA) in refractory macular oedema: Hakan Ozpolat, Ali Sipahier ( TOD 38th National Ophthalmological Congress)
Pars plana vitrectomy in proliferative diabetic maculopathy: Ali Sipahier, Gulin Nohutçu, Ercan Saglam (TOD 37th National Ophthalmological Congress)
Intraocular pressure-lowering effects of latanoprost monotheraphy versus combination theraphy of timolol and pilokarpine. A randomized, open label multicenter study in patients with open-angle glaucoma or oculer hypertension : Latanoprost study group
(SOE 1999 – The 12. congress of European Society of Ophthalmology)
Pars plana vitrectomy for intraocular foreign bodies: Ali Sipahier Nur Kır, Cahit Özgün, Ercan Öngör (TOD 33rd National Ophthalmological Congress)
Intraocular lens selection in patients with refractive surgery TOD 40th April course (3-4 April 2021)
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