Eye Foundation from 1984 to the present...

Bayrampaşa Eye Hospital Doctors

Op. Dr. Atilla ŞAHİN


Place and Year of Birth: Samsun - 1990

Foreign Language: English and Turkish

Education & Specialisation: Gazi Anatolian High School, Ankara, 2004-2008 , Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, 2008-2014 , 

Istanbul University- Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Ophthalmology 2015-2020

(Medical Speciality Examination April 2015, Clinical Sciences 51st in Turkey)

Title: Ophthalmology Specialist

Speciality Areas: Cataract, Refractive Surgery, Glaucoma

Institutions he worked for:

Göz Vakfı Bayrampaşa Eye Hospital, 2024

Istanbul Eye Hospital, 2023-2024

Bezmialem Foundation University, 2021-2023

Tokat Turhal State Hospital, 2020-2021, State Service Obligation

Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, 2015-2020

Samsun Vezirköprü Community Health Centre, 2014 (General Practitioner)

Professional Memberships:

Turkish Ophthalmological Association


Fellow of European Board of Ophthalmology(FEBO),2022.

Scientific Studies:

İntraarteriyel Kemoterapi Çağında Retinoblastom İçin Kurtarıcı Tedavi Olarak Episkleral İyot 125 Radyoaktif Plak Brakiterapisi - doi: 10.24953/turkjped.2021.4217. PMID: 35611417.

Using Artificial Intelligence Assisted Image Enhancement Algorithm in the Digitisation of Ellipsoid Zone Integrity, Oral Presentation, TOD 44th Spring Symposium, Istanbul, 2021

Efficacy of Brachytherapy as Eye-Saving Treatment in Intraocular Retinoblastoma, Oral Presentation, TOD 52nd National Congress, Antalya, 2018

Infliximab Treatment in Resistant and Vision Threatening Severe Behçet's Disease , Oral Presentation TOD 50th National Congress, Antalya, 2016

Desement Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK) Experiences, Oral Presentation, TOD 50th National Congress, Antalya, 2016


You can call us or make an appointment online.
