Eye Foundation from 1984 to the present...

Bayrampaşa Eye Hospital Doctors

Op.Dr. Gülin Seda AKTOROS


Place and Year of Birth: Ankara - 1958

Foreign Language: English and Turkish

Education & Specialisation:

  • Hacettepe Medical Faculty, SSK Göztepe Hospital

Title: Ophthalmology Specialist

Speciality Areas: Cataract, Retina

Institutions he worked for:

  • Göz Vakfı
  • SSK Göztepe Hospital

Professional Memberships

  • Turkish Ophthalmological Association
  • Ophthalmological Association of Turkic Republics

Scientific Works:

  • Nohutçu GS, Özpolat H, Sağlam E; Pars plana vitrectomy and bevacizamab application in vitreous haemorrhages TOD 42nd National Ophthalmology Congress Antalya 2008
  • Bostan C, Mutluay A, Sağlam E, Nohutçu G, Özpolat H; Combination of verteparfin with photodynamic therapy and bevacizumab in the treatment of choroidal neovascular membranes in age-related macular degeneration TOD 42nd National Ophthalmology Congress Antalya 2008
  • Mutluay A, Bostan C, Sağlam E, Nohutçu G, Özpolat H, General evaluation of our intravitreal bevacizumab injections TOD 42nd National Ophthalmology Congress Antalya 2008
  • Saglam E, Nohutçu G, Bostan C, Mutluay A: Anatomical and functional results of heavy silicone in complicated retinal detachment cases TOD 42nd National Ophthalmological Congress Ankara 2008
  • TOD spring symposium diabetes and eye 2008 panel - epidemiology and pathology of diabetic retinopathy
  • Saglam E, Bostan C, Nohutçu G, Use of brillant blue in ERM and ILM peeling TOD 43rd National Ophthalmological Congress Antalya 2009
  • Nohutçu A, Tufaner G, Tuncer Z, Kılıçoğlu G, Nohutçu GS: İki gözde orbita inflamasyonu olan bir glokom olgusu TOD 43. Ulusal Oftalmoloji Kongresi Antalya 2009
  • Speech at the monthly scientific meeting of TOD Istanbul Branch Panel - Endogenous endophthalmitis
  • Nohutçu GS, Kargül G, Sağlam E, Özpolat H: Evaluation of photoreceptors with spectral domain optical coherence tomography in diabetic macular oedema TOD 44th National Ophthalmology Congress Antalya 2010


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