Education & Specialisation: Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine 2009-2015
Title: Eye Diseases Specialist
Areas of Expertise: Cataract, Refractive Surgery, Contact Lens
Organisations Worked For:
September 2016 - September 2021 - İ.U- Cerrahpaşa Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Ophthalmology
2022 - Johns Hopkins University Wilmer Eye Institute, ABD (Clinical Observer Doctor)
2022 - Yale University, School of Medicine, Yale Eye Center, ABD (Clinical Observer Doctor)
Eylül 2021 – Temmuz 2023 - Patnos State Hospital (Compulsory Service)
Eylül 2023 - Ocak 2024 - Private Medicana Atakoy Hospital
Scientific Activities
Publications: 1. Dogan C, Mergen B, Sert S, Tezcan G, Gonen B, Guleser UY, Arslan OS. The effect of injury type and location on the prognosis of the patients with open globe injuries. Medical Science and Discovery 2019;6(8),145-149.
1. Seda Sert, Gülşah Tezcan, Şefika Arzu Ergen, Didem Çolpan Öksüz, Ahmet Murat Sarıcı. Efficacy of combined systemic corticosteroid and retroorbital radiotherapy in patients with thyroid ophthalmopathy.
TOD 53. National Congress. 06-10 November 2019
2. Gülşah Tezcan, Seda Sert, Ahmet Murat Sarıcı. Clinical Approach and Treatment Outcomes in Childhood Optic Pathway Gliomas.
TOD 53. National Congress. 06-10 November 2019
3. Mehmet Serhat Mangan, Gülşah Tezcan, Ahmet Murat Sarıcı. Surgical Method and Histopathological Characteristics of Patients Who Underwent Orbitotomy for Orbital Mass
TOD 53. National Congress. 06-10 November 2019
4. Seda Sert, Gülşah Tezcan, Busenur Gönen, Didar Uçar, Ahmet Murat Sarıcı. Evaluation of Early Effects of Intravitreal Anti-VEGF Therapy on Diabetic Macular Edema by Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCTA). TOD 32. Summer Symposium. 27-29 September 2019
5.Seda Sert, Osman Şevki Arslan, Cezmi Doğan, Burak Mergen, Gülşah Tezcan. Is Dry Eye Treatment Necessary in Patients with Inactive Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis? TOD 52. National Congress. 13-18 November 2018
6.Gülşah Tezcan, Ahmet Murat Sarıcı. A Case of Acquired Retinal Astrocytoma Regressed by Photodynamic Therapy
TOD 52. National Congress. 13-18 November 2018
7. Yetik H, Doğan C, Tezcan G ,Ogreden T.,Arslan O. Fellow Eye Effects Of Monocular İntravitreal Bevacizumab İnjection For Retinopaty Of Prematurity
18 th Euretina,2018,Vienna
8.Belgin Kılıç Sevimli, Solmaz Balcı Akar, Gülşah Tezcan. Determination of Factors Affecting Visual Prognosis with Preoperative and Postoperative OCT Findings in Macular Holes
TOD 51. National Congress,2017,Antalya
9. Gülşah Tezcan, Osman Şevki Arslan, Cezmi Doğan,Busenur Karabulut, Burak Mergen. Combined Descement Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK), Phacoemulsification and Intraocular Lens Implantation Results
TOD 51. National Congress, 2017,Antalya
10.Gülşah Tezcan, M. Akif Özdamar. Evaluation of the Effect of Cataract Surgery on the Ocular Surface, Oral Presentation, TOD 55th National Congress, 2021
Medical Speciality Thesis:
Evaluation of the Effect of Cataract Surgery on the Ocular Surface, 2021;Dr. Gülşah Tezcan, Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Dr. M. Akif Özdamar.
Book Chapters:
Retinal Vascular Diseases and Current Approaches. Surgical Treatment of Retinal Vascular Occlusions, Gülşah Tezcan. Hipokrat Bookstore Ankara, 2023, s 265- 273
Awards/Scholarships/Diplomas Received
1.Gülşah Tezcan, Osman Şevki Arslan ,Cezmi Doğan Showing the Prayer Layer (Video) TOD 51. National Congress,2017,Antalya (Third place in the best video competition)
2.European Board of Ophthalmology Exam (FEBO Diploma), 2022