Eye Foundation from 1984 to the present...

Bayrampaşa Eye Hospital Doctors

We provide eye health services at high quality standards based on ethical values, human and human health. We support social responsibility projects and contribute to the society by developing awareness of sensitivity with the foundation service approach.

Prof. Dr. Barış YENİAD


Place and Year of Birth: İstanbul - 1974

Foreign Language: Turkish and English

Education & Specialisation: Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine

Title Professor Doctor, Ophthalmologist

Areas of Expertise: Eyelid, Tear Duct and Cornea diseases

Organisations Worked For:

  • İÜ İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi
  • Göz Nurunu Koruma Vakfı Bayrampaşa Eye Hospital 2015


Professional Memberships

  • Turkish Ophthalmological Association
  • American Ophthalmological Society

Scientific Studies:

A. Articles published in international refereed journals:

  • A1. Yeniad B, Yiğit B, Işsever H, Közer Bilgin L,” Effect of contact lenses on corneal thickness and corneal curvature during usage”, Eye Contact Lens, 29,223-229, (2003).
  • A2. Yeniad B, Adam YS, Bilgin LK, Gözüm N,” Effect of 30-day continuous wear of silicone hydrogel contact lenses on corneal thickness”, Eye Contact Lens, 30,6-9, (2004).
  • A3. Corum I, Yeniad B, Bilgin LK, Ilhan R,” Efficiency of olopatadine hydrochloride 0.1% in the treatment of vernal keratoconjunctivitis and goblet cell density”, J Ocul Pharmacol Ther, 21,400-405, (2005).
  • A4. Tugal-Tutkun I, Cingü K, Kir N, Yeniad B, Urgancioglu M, Gül A,” Use of laser flare-cell photometry to quantify intraocular inflammation in patients with Behçet uveitis” Graefe’s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 246,1169-1177, (2008).
  • A5.Yeniad B, Tuncer S, Peksayar G, Mete O, Minareci O,” Primary orbital leiomyosarcoma ”, Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 25,154-155, (2009).
  • A6. Yeniad B, Alparslan N, Akarcay K,” Eye rubbing as an apparent cause of recurrent keratoconus”, Cornea,28,477-479, (2009).
  • A7. Yeniad B, Beginoglu M, Ozgun C,” Missed intraocular foreign body masquerading as intraocular inflammation : two cases”, Int Ophthalmol, 30,713-716,(2010).
  • A8. Yeniad B, Canturk S, Esin Ozdemir F, Alparslan N, Akarcay K,” Toxic keratopathy due to abuse of topical anesthetic drugs”, Cutan Ocul Toxicol, 29,105-109, (2010) .
  • A9. Yeniad B, Beginoglu M, Bilgin LK,” Lid-Wiper epitheliopathy in contact lens users and patients with dry eye”, Eye & Contact Lens 3, 140-143, (2010).
  • A10. Bilgin LK, Yeniad B,” The long term results of frontalis suspension using autogenous fascia lata in children with congenital ptosis under 3 years old”, Plastic Surgery International 2010,doi:10.1155/2010/609462
  • A11.Tuncer S, Yeniad B, Peksayar G, “ Regression of conjunctival tumor during dieatary treatment of Celiac disease”, Indian J Ophthalmology 58,433-434, (2010).
  • A12. Yeniad B, Corum I, Ozgun C, ” The effects of trauma and cataract surgery on corneal endothelial cell density in traumatic cataract patients”, Middle East African J Ophthalmology 17,354-358, (2010).
  • A13. Yeniad B, Yilmaz S, Bilgin LK, “Evaluation of the microstructure of cornea by in vivo confocal microscopy in contact lens wearing and non-contact lens wearing keratoconus patients”, Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 33,167-170,(2010).
  • A14. Yeniad B, Ayranci O, Tuncer S, Kir N, Ovali T, Tugal-Tutkun I, Akarcay K, ” Assessment of anterior chamber inflammation after intravitreal bevacizumab injection in different ocular exudative diseases”, Eur J Ophthalmol 21, 156-161,(2011).
  • A15. Yeniad B, Gezer A,” Corneal topography changes in cases with Duane Retraction Syndrome in different gaze positions”, Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci, 31,641-645,(2011).
  • A16. Chantada GL, Quaddoumi I, Canturk S, Khetan V, Ma Z, Kimani K, Yeniad B, Sultan I, Sitorus RS, Tacyildiz N, Abramson DH, “ Strategies to manage retinoblastoma in developing countries”, Pediatric Blood Cancer 56,341-348,(2011).
  • A.17. Yeniad B, Bilgin LK, Cagatay A, Aslan I, “ A rare complication after transcanalicular dacryocystorhinostomy: Tissue necrosis and nasal-cutaneous fistula”, Ophthal Plast Reconst Surg 27,112-113,(2011).
  • A.18. Ayıntap A, Yeniad B, Corum I, İlhan R, Bilgin LK, “ Efficiency of ketotoifen fumarate 0.025% in the treatment of vernal keratoconjunctivitis and goblet cell density”, Annals of Ophthalmology (Kabul)
  • A.19. Yeniad B, Uludag G, Kozer-Bilgin L, “Assessment of patient satisfaction following external versus transcanalicular dacryocystorhinostomy with a diode laser and evaluation if change in quality of life after simultaneous bilateral surgery in patients with bilateral nasolacrimal duct obstruction”, Curr Eye Res 37,286-292,(2012).
  • A.20.Otranto D,Dantes-Torres F, Cebeci Z, Yeniad B, Buyukbabani N, Boral AB, Gustinelli A, Mounir T, Mutafchiev Y, Bain O, “Human ocular filariasis: Further evidence on the zoonotic role of Onchocerca lupi”, Parasit Vectors 5, 84, (2012).
  • A.21. Yeniad B, Tuncer S, Kir N, Bilgin LK, “Orbital infarction syndrome after transcanalicular dacryocystorhinostomy with diode laser”, Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging” 2012 Oct 25;43 Online:e107-9. doi: 10.3928/15428877-20121018-01
  • B. Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in proceedings book:
  • B1. Tuncer S, Peksayar G, Demirci H, Yeniad B, ” Choroidal malignant melanoma: Epidemiology, clinical features and prognosis”, XIII. Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology (SOE), Istanbul, June 3-7, 2001
  • B2. Yeniad B, Ovalı T, Tuncer S, Kır N, ” The main outcomes of combined phacoemulsification (PHACO), posterior chamber intraocular lens (PCIOL) implantation and pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy”, 4th Meeting of European Vitreoretinal Society, Istanbul, September 12-15, 2004
  • B3. Yeniad B, Bilgin LK, ” Comparision of different surgical procedures in blepharoptosis”, XIII. Afro-Asian Congress of Ophthalmology, Istanbul, June 18-24, 2004
  • B4. Izgi B, Yeniad B, Canturk S, Alparslan N, ” The effect of diode laser cyclophotocoagulation for secondary glaucoma after penetrating keratoplasty”, 5th International Glaucoma Symposium (IGS), Cape Town, March 30-April 2, 2005
  • B5. Beginoglu M, Yeniad B,” Lid wiper epitheliopathy”, 9th Congress of The International Society of Dacryology and Dry Eye, Istanbul, May 16-18,2008
  • B6. Beginoglu M, Yeniad B, “ The compare of monocanalicular and bicanalicular intubation in congenital nasolacrimal obstruction” , 9th Congress of The International Society of Dacryology and Dry Eye, Istanbul, May 16-18,2008
  • B7. Canturk S, Qaddoumi I, Khetan V, Ma Z, Antoneli C, Yeniad B, Sultan I, Sharma T, Chandata G, Abramson D, ” Retinoblastoma in less developed countries. A systematic review”, International Society for Genetic Eye Diseases and Retinoblastoma Meeting, Strasbourg, August 28-30, 2008
  • B8. Yeniad B, Corum I, Ozgun C, Gucukoglu A, ” Cornea endothelial cell loss after traumatic cataract and age-related cataract surgery”, 13th European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS) Winter Meeting, Rome, Februrary 6-8, 2009
  • B9. Yeniad B, Sipahier A, Eroglu F, Gucukoglu A, ” Wavefront-guided LASIK and iris registration in patients with mixed astigmatism”, XXVII Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery(ESCRS), Barcelona, September 12-16,2009
  • B10. Araz-Erşan B, Yeniad B, Ceylan E, Uludağ G, Bilgin LK, Cingu K, “ Corneal curvature in Turkish population”, 41th European Contact Lens Meeting (ECLSO), Istanbul, September 9-11, 2011
  • B11. Yeniad B, Uludag G, Kozer-Bilgin L,” Assessment of outcomes and quality of life in patients with bilateral nasolacrimal duct obstruction after dacryocystorhinostomy surgery: External versus transcanalicular dacryocystorhinostomy with multidiode laser”, 29th Annual Meeting of European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ESOPRS), Lake Como, September 15-17, 2011


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