Eye Foundation from 1984 to the present...

Bayrampaşa Eye Hospital Doctors

Prof. Dr. Berna BAŞARIR


Place and Year of Birth: Ankara - 1969

Foreign Language: English, French and Turkish

Education & Specialisation: 

High School: Saint-Benoit French High School

Licence: Ankara University Faculty of Medicine - 1993

Master's Degree: Ankara Dışkapı SSK Education and Research Hospital

Title: Professor Doctor, Ophthalmology Specialist

Areas of Expertise: 

Uveitis diseases (paediatric uveitis diseases, Behçet's disease, ankylosingpondylitis etc.)

Cataract surgery

Glaucoma diagnosis-treatment-surgery

Organisations Worked For:

Ankara Dışkapı SSK Education and Research Hospital

Ankara Ulucanlar Education and Research Hospital

İstanbul Beyoğlu Eye Education and Research Hospital

Göz Vakfı

Professional Memberships:

Turkish Ophthalmological Association / Cataract and Refractive Surgery Unit Member / Uvea-Behçet Unit Member


You can call us or make an appointment online.
