Eye Foundation from 1984 to the present...

İdealtepe Eye Centre Doctors

Prof. Dr. Gülten MANAV AY


Place and Year of Birth: Istanbul, 1958

Foreign Language: English and Turkish

Education & Specialisation:

  • Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine
  • Istanbul University. Istanbul Faculty of Medicine. Department of Ophthalmology ( Associate Professor Dr )
  • Londra, Moorfields Eye Hospital , observer
  • Kocaeli University. Kocaeli Faculty of Medicine. Faculty Member of Department of Ophthalmology. ( Prof. Dr )

Title: Ophthalmology Specialist

Speciality Areas: General Ophthalmology, Cataract, Glaucoma, Refractive Surgery

Institutions he worked for:

  • Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine. Capa Eye Clinic
  • Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine. Eye Clinic
  • Kartal Red Crescent Medical Centre
  • Eye Foundation, Idealtepe Eye Centre

Professional Memberships

  • American Academy Ophthalmology Membership(AAO)
  • Society Europen Ophtalmology Membership (SOE)
  • Turkish Ophthalmological Society Board of Directors (TOYK) Member
  • Turkish Ophthalmological Association General Assembly Delegate
  • Active Member of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Unit
  • Active Member of Cornea and Ocular Surface Unit
  • Active Member of Ocular Infections Unit
  • Membership of the Turkish Medical Chamber

Scientific Works:


International Articles

  • Toker KN, Alptekin N, Manav G, Bilgin KL. Lipid peroxidation in diabetic senile cataract. Med. Sci. Res. 16: 115-116, 1988.
  • Bilgin KL, Manav G, Tutkun Tİ, Öner A, Ertoprak Y. Efficacy of a one-step hydrogen peroxide system for disinfection of soft contact lenses. The CLAO journal. 19(1): 50-52. 1993.
  • Toker N, Manav G, Alptekin N, Urgancıoğlu M. Erytrocyte lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes in Behçet’s disease. Med. Sci. Res. 21: 789, 1993.
  • Şimşek AN, Ay Manav G, Tutkun Tİ, Başar D, Bilgin KL. An experimental study on the effect of collagen shields and therapeutic contact lenses on corneal wound healing. Cornea. 15(6): 612-616, 1996.
  • Yanyalı A, Talu H, Alp B, Ay Manav G, Çağlar Y. Intraoperatif mytomicin-C the treatment of ptergium. Cornea. 19(4): 471- 473, 2000.
  • Alp BN, Yanyali A, Ay Manav G, Keskin O. Conjunctival rotation autograft for primary pterygium . Opthalmologica.Sep-Oct; 216(5):333-6. 2002.
  • Urgancıoğlu M, Çetin ET, Manav G, Sansoy N, Yılmaz G, Badur S. T lymphocyte subsets in Behçet's disease. T. J. Med. Biol. Res. Vol 1(4):150-152, 1990.
  • Ay Manav G, Mutlu B, Yanyalı A, Akhan SC, Caglar Y. The efficacy of topical ciprofloxacin and topıcal piperacillin/tazobactam In the treatment of experimental pseudomonas keratitis. Med.Bull. İst. Medical Faculty. Volume 35(1):5-9, 2002.
  • Demirci, Göktuğ; Ay, Gülten Manav; Karabaş, Levent V.; Altıntaş, Özgül; Tamer, Gülden S.; Çağlar, Yusuf. Acanthamoeba Keratisis in a 5-Year-old Boy Without a History of Contact Lens Usage. Cornea, Volume 25(3): 356-358, 2006.
  • Comparison of Travoprost/Timolol Maleate and Latanoprost/ Timolol Maleate Fixed Combination in Patients with Primary Open Angle Glaucoma. the 12th EGS CONGRESS. 2016. Prag.

National Articles

  • Közer L, Manav G, Sezen F, Akova Y. Age-related corneal endothelial changes. T. Oft. Gaz. 17: 213-216, 1987.
  • Közer L, Akova Y, Sezen F, Manav G, Türker G, Çokuğraş A. Corneal endothelial changes after various intraocular operations. T.Oft.Gaz.17: 217-220, 1987.
  • Közer L, Manav G, Türker G. Single and combined use of cephalosporin group (cefaperazone and cephalothin) antibiotics in exogenous and endogenous eye infections. ANKEM Derg. 1(3): 214-217, 1987.
  • Manav G, Tuğal İ, Akarçay K, Bilgin KL, Akova Y, Türker G. Congenital glaucoma cases. XXIth National Turkish Ophthalmological Congress Bulletin. Izmir. Karınca Matbaacılık. 1: 445-451, 1987.
  • Manav G, Akarçay K, Akova Y, Türker G. Tuğal İ, Bilgin KL. Our cases with juvenile glaucoma. XXIth National Turkish Ophthalmological Congress Bulletin. Izmir. Karınca Matbaacılık. 1: 452-457, 1987.
  • Tuğal İ, Akova Y, Akarçay K, Türker G, Manav G, Bilgin KL. Our late results in the treatment of congenital glaucoma. XXIth National Turkish Ophthalmological Congress Bulletin. Izmir. Karınca Matbaacılık. 1: 458-464, 1987.
  • Manav G, Közer L, Sezen T. Cosmetic corneal hard contact lenses. I.National, Turkish Medical Contact Lens Congress Bulletin. Istanbul, Lebib Yalkın Publications.183-6, 1988.
  • Manav G, Türker G. Başar D. The place of befunulol hydrochloride as an option in the medical treatment of primary open angle glaucoma. XXIIth National Turkish Ophthalmological Congress Bulletin. Konya, 1: 69-76, 1988.
  • Sansoy N, Manav G, Goker S, Turker G. Effect of levobunolol in primary open angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension. XXth National Turkish Ophthalmological Congress Bulletin. Konya, 2: 439-444, 1988.
  • Manav G, Közer L, Öngör E. Diabetic retinopathy and anaemia. XXth National Turkish Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin. Bursa. Uludag University Press. 58-61, 1989.
  • Öngör E, Özgün C, Manav G. The effect of scleral flap shapes on postoperative trabeculectomy complications. T. Oft. Gaz. 19: 439-447, 1989.
  • Manav G, Türker G, Öngör E. Results of trabeculectomy in patients under 40 years of age. XXIIIth National Turkish Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin. Adana. II: 693-696, 1989.
  • Manav G, Akarçay K, Bilgin KL. Risk of retinal detachment after intracapsular cataract extraction in the fellow eye of a patient with retinal detachment in one eye. XXIIIth National Turkish Ophthalmological Congress Bulletin. Adana. II: 697-699, 1989.
  • Manav G, Peksayar G. Our anterior chamber intraocular lens results. T. Oft. Gaz. 20: 75-77, 1990.
  • Karadeniz Ş, Sezen F, Alacalı N, Manav G. Our colour vision results investigated with FM-100 HUE test in amblyopia. Bulletin of the XXIIth National Winter Symposium, Konya. 67-69, 1990.
  • Manav G, Sezen F, Karadeniz Ş. Bilateral hypermetropic amblyopia. Bulletin of the XXIIth National Winter Symposium, Konya. 74-77, 1990.
  • Urgancioglu M, Manav G, Sansoy N, Karadeniz S. Combined treatment results in complete Behçet's disease. T. Oft. Gaz. 20: 167-170, 1990.
  • Urgancioglu M, Manav G, Sansoy N, Cetin ET, Badur S, Yilmaz G. Determination of immunoglobulin levels and anti-herpetic antibodies in Behçet's disease. T. Oft. Gaz. 20: 417-420, 1990.
  • Tutkun Tİ, Akova AY, Bilgin KL, Manav G, Gücükoğlu A, Eroğlu L. Contact lens application in topical gentamicin treatment. T. Oft. Gaz.
  • 421-423, 1990. 20. Manav G, Peksayar G, Vardar OZ. Microscopic analysis of material deposits on soft contact lenses that cannot be used for various reasons. T. Oft. Gaz. 20: 439-442, 1990.
  • Gezer A, Manav G, Rabizade B, Kır N, Türker G. The effect of indomethacin on intraocular pressure increase after argon laser trabeculoplasty. XXIVth National Turkish Ophthalmology Congress Bulletin. Ankara, Yıldırım Ofset Basımevi. 1:444-448, 1990.
  • Manav G, Gezer A, Izgi B, Rabizade B, Türker G. Effect of steroids on transient intraocular pressure after argon laser trabeculoplasty. XXIVth National Turkish Ophthalmological Congress Bulletin. Ankara, Yildirim Ofset Basımevi. 1:449-453, 1990.
  • Manav G, Perente I, Urgancioglu M, Izgi B, Akarcay K. Comparison of acyclovir and vidarabine in the treatment of herpes simplex keratitis. XXIVth National Turkish Ophthalmological Congress Bulletin. Ankara, Yildirim Ofset Basımevi. 1:483-486, 1990.
  • Peksayar G, Manav G, Erbengi T. Investigation of basal cell carcinomas of the eyelid before and after cryotherapy by light microscopy, electron microscopy and direct immunofluorescence methods. XXIVth National Turkish Ophthalmological Congress Bulletin. Ankara, Yıldırım Ofset Basımevi. 2: 143-150, 1990.
  • İzgi B, Alacalı N, Urgancıoğlu M, Manav G. Ophthalmological examination in patients with active systemic tuberculosis. XXIVth National Turkish Ophthalmological Congress Bulletin. Ankara. Yıldırım Ofset Basımevi. 2: 313-314, 1990.
  • Gürsoy C, Akarçay K, Manav G, Azizağaoğlu H. Prognosis in ocular trauma involving the posterior segment. XXIVth National Turkish Ophthalmological Congress Bulletin. Ankara, Yildirim Ofset Basımevi. 2: 324-333, 1990.
  • Gezer A, Gücükoğlu A, Manav G, Azizağaoğlu H. Characteristics of implantation surgery in young adults. XXIIIth National Winter Symposium Bulletin. Bursa. 41-45, 1990.
  • Manav G, Gezer A, Gücükoğlu A. Evaluation of visual acuity in cataract patients with glare test. XXIIIth National Winter Symposium Bulletin Bursa. 87-90, 1990.
  • Manav G, Akarçay K. Microorganisms causing eye infections. ANKEM Journal. 5(4): 396-400, 1991.
  • Aslan Ö, Yıldırım S, Manav G, Gücükoğlu A, Öngör E. Lens subluxations (Homocystinuria and operative complications). T. Oft. Gaz. 21: 33- 35, 1991.
  • Tutkun TI, Bilgin KL, Manav G, Akarçay K, Eroğlu L, Esin Y. Aqueous humour and serum amikacin concentration after intramuscular and subconjunctival administration. T. Oft. Gaz. 21: 494-497, 1991.
  • Manav G, Bilgin KL, Gezer A, Gezer ML, Memiş S. Conjunctival flora in normal population. T. Oft. Gaz. 22: 121-124, 1992.
  • Eskiyurt N, Manav G, Öncel A, Berker E, Naaman S, Serdaroğlu G. Ocular findings in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Physiotherapy. Rehabil. Derg. XVI(4): 230-232. 1992.
  • Manav G, Bilgin KL, Gezer A, Gezer ML, Bilgin KL. Topical tobramycin use in acute bacterial conjunctivitis. T. Oft. Gaz. 22: 222-224, 1992.
  • Vardar ZO, Bilgin KL, Manav G. Corneal curvature changes in long-term hard (PMMA) contact lens wearers. T. Oft. Gaz. 22: 318-325, 1992.
  • Erşahin C, İzgi B, Manav G, Türker G. Comparison of the efficacy of Timolol maleate and Betaxolol HCl on intraocular pressure in chronic simple glaucoma. T. Oft. Gaz. 22: 335-338, 1992.
  • Erşahin C, İzgi B, Manav G, Türker G. The effect of 0.50% Betaxolol HCl and 0.50% Timolol maleate on tear production and quality. T. Oft. Gaz. 22: 358- 363, 1992.
  • Kır N, İzgi B, Perente İ, Manav G, Türker G, Gücükoğlu A. Argon laser gonioplasty and trabeculoplasty in primary angle closure glaucoma. T. Oft. Gaz. 22: 561-564, 1992.
  • Manav G, Izgi B, Simsek AN, Kir N, Turker G. Cyclocryotherapy results in patients with uncontrolled glaucoma. XXVI. National Congress Bulletin. Bursa, Ön-Mat Matbaacılık. 2: 600-606, 1993.
  • Simsek AN, Izgi B, Manav G, Turker G. Early and late endophthalmitis after trabeculectomy. XXVIth National Congress Bulletin. Bursa, Ön-Mat Matbaacılık. 2: 627-631, 1993.
  • Manav G, Sansoy N, Urgancioglu M. Late results of medical treatment in sympathetic ophthalmia. T. Oft. Gaz. 23: 40-42, 1993.
  • İzgi B, Manav G, Urgancıoğlu M, Türker G. Chloroquine retinopathy and the role of computerised visual field in its early diagnosis. T. Oft. Gaz. 23: 122-125, 1993.
  • Izgi B, Manav G, Telci A, Sivas A, Turker G. Topical timolol and serum lipoproteins. T. Oft. Gaz. 23: 393-396, 1993.
  • Manav G, Bilgin KL, Öztürk Z, Töreci K, Gürler N. Microbiological investigation in cases of acute conjunctivitis and keratitis. I.Ü. Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
  • Manav G, Bilgin KL, Ozturk Z, Toreci K, Gurler N. Microbiological investigation in cases of acute conjunctivitis and keratitis. Bulletin of the 10th Assembly of I.U. Istanbul Faculty of Medicine. Istanbul, Faculty of Letters Press House. 109-118, 1994.
  • Manav G, Bilgin KL, Öztürk Z, Töreci K, Gürler N. Bacteria isolated from foreign bodies removed from the cornea. Bulletin of the 10th Assembly of I.U. Istanbul Faculty of Medicine. Istanbul, Faculty of Literature Press House. 119-125, 1994.
  • Manav G, Bilgin KL, Kır N, Tutkun Tİ, Başar D, Eroğlu L, Yamantürk P. Humour aqueous and serum levels of topical fortified gentamicin. T. Oft. Gaz. 24:336-339, 1994.
  • Manav G, Kır N, Akarçay K, Öngör E, Karadeniz A, Oral E. Retinal complications due to radiotherapy. XXVIIth National Congress Bulletin. Marmaris. Yeniyol Mat. Izmir. Volume 3: 1527-1530. 1994.
  • Manav G, Bilgin KL. Use of hydroxyapatite as an orbital implant. T. Klin. Ophthalmol. 3: 306-311, 1994.
  • Manav G, Urgancioglu M. Invasive diagnostic methods in uveitis. T. Oft. Gaz. 24: 484-487. 1994.
  • Tutkun Tİ, Uslu T, Urgancıoğlu M, Manav G. Results of complicated cataract surgery in Behçet's disease. T. Oft. Gaz. 25: 52-56, 1995.
  • Kuğu S, Ay Manav G, Bilgin KL. Treatment approach in cases with chronic blepharitis. T. Oft. Gaz. 25: 375-380. 1996.
  • Ay Manav G, Izgi B, Türker G. Comparison of the effectiveness of different Beta blockers on intraocular pressure in primary open angle glaucoma. T.Oft.Gaz.30:115-21. 2000.
  • Ay Manav G. Alkali injuries of the eye. Syndrome. Volum 12 (12): 95-99. 2000.
  • Ay Manav G, Yanyali A, Alp B, Caglar Y. Changes observed in intraocular pressure with cycloplegic use. Medical NetWork Ophthalmology. Vol 8 (1): 58-59. 2001.
  • Ay Manav G, Cengiz Y, Parmaksız S, Yapıcı Ö, Çağlar Y. Schirmer test and tear layer breakage time results in healthy people over 55 years of age in Kocaeli province. T.Oft. Gaz. 31: 388-392. 2001.
  • Kaya G, Manav Ay G. Comparison of intraocular pressure changes after sulcus foldable intraocular lens implantation and sulcus polymethylmethacrylate intraocular lens implantation. Glaucoma-Cataract Journal. volume11 , Issue 1, 2016.
  • Kaya G.,Ay G. M.12th EGS Congress 19-22 June 2016 Comparison of Travoprost/ Tımolol Maleate fixed Combination in Patients with Primary Open Angle Glaucoma.(Poster Presentation)
  • Kaya G.,Ay G. M. The 2nd Cophy 2016 February 18- 21 Effıcacy of Intravitreal Ranibizumab Injection for Treatment of Diabetic Macular Edema.(Poster Presentation)
  • Kaya G.,Ay G. M. The 2nd Cophy 2016 Feb. 18- 21 Efficacy Comparision of Efficacy Between Antivegf Agents Alone and In Combination with Photodynamic Theraphy ın Treatment of Choroıdal Neovascularization. (Poster Presentation)
  • Kaya G.,Ay G. M. The 2nd Cophy 2016 Feb.18- 21 Management of Steril Corneal Infiltrates in Soft Contact Lens Wearers. (Poster Presentation)
  • Ay G. M. Kaya G. Woc 2016 Feb 5-9 Changes in Oct After Posterior Capsular Opacification. (Poster Presentation)
  • Kaya G.,Ay G. M. Woc 2016 Feb 5-9 Comparision of The Measurents Obtained with Low Coherence Optical Biometer and Contact Ultrasound Biometer . (Poster Presentation)
  • Kaya G.,Ay G. M. Woc 2016 Feb 5-9 Comparision of Specular Microscopy and Pachmetry Finding of Keratoconic and Normal Eyes. (Poster Presentation)
  • Ay G. M. Kaya G. 12th EGS Congress 19-22 June 2016 Comparison of Travoprost/ Tımolol Maleate fixed Combination in Patients with Primary Open Angle Glaucoma.(Poster Presentation)

Ophthalmology Books for Other Scientific Activities

  • Ay Manav G. Other Examination Methods in Ophthalmology. Basic Eye Diseases. Eds. Aydın P, Akova YA. Chapter 4. S: 71-83. Güneş Kitabevi Ltd. Şt. Ankara. 2001.
  • Ay Manav G: Microbiological Investigation in Viral Conjunctivitis. Ocular Infectious Diseases, TOD Education Publications no:8, 73-78,2008
  • Ay Manav G: Corneal Injuries, Cornea Atlas 3rd Edition, Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri, 243-273, 2014.


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