Eye Foundation from 1984 to the present...

Nilüfer Bursa Eye Centre Doctors

Prof. Dr. Haluk ERTÜRK


Place and Year of Birth: Perşembe-Ordu - 1951

Foreign Language: English and Turkish

Education & Specialisation: Ankara U.Faculty of Medicine. - 1975, Ank.Ü.T.F. Eye Clinic - 1980

Title: Professor Doctor

Speciality Areas: Cataract, Refractive Surgery, Glaucoma

Institutions he worked for:

  • Ank. U.T.F. Eye Clinic. - Jul.1975 - Aug. 1980
  • Dz.KK İskenderun Naval Hospital - December 1980 - December 1981
  • İskenderun SSK Hospital - January 1982 - August 1983
  • Ordu SSK Hospital - August 1983 - December 1983
  • Bursa Hayat Hosp. - January 1984 - March 1986
  • Uludag U.T.F. Ophthalmology Department - March 1986 - March 2006
  • Acibadem Bursa Hospital - March 2006 - December 2013
  • Göz Nurunu Koruma Vakfı Bursa Eye Center 2014 - ....

Professional Memberships

  • Turkish Medical Association
  • Turkish Ophthalmological Association
  • EGS

Bilimsel Çalışmaları:

  • ERTÜRK,H.: Preretinal traction membranes and bands. Ankara Ü.T.F.Göz Kl. Yıll. 216-222, 1976.
  • Köklü,G., ERTÜRK,H., İçel,E., Turaçlı,E.: General anaesthesia and intraocular pressure changes. Ank.Ü.T.F.Göz Kl.Yıll. 105-110, 1978.
  • ERTÜRK,H. : Ophthalmological findings in chiasmal and postchiasmal lesions. Ank.Ü.T.F.Göz Kl.Yıll. 126-131, 1978.
  • ERTÜRK,H. : A case of progressive essential iris atrophy. T.Oft.Gaz. 16:37-42, 1986.
  • ERTÜRK,H. : Degeneration and atrophies of the iris. T.Oft.Gaz. 16:89-93, 1986.
  • ERTÜRK,H. : Drugs used in the treatment of glaucoma. Türkiye Klinikleri 6: 353-360, 1986.
  • ERTÜRK,H., Gelişken,Ö. : Dakriosistorinostomy operations and our results. XX. U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin. Ed: Özçetin,H., Ertürk,H., U.Ü.Matb., Bursa, 1989, Sy.:174-177.
  • Aşurmuhammedi,A., ERTÜRK,H., Gelişken,Ö. : General evaluation of eye traumas. XX. U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin. Ed: Özçetin,H., Ertürk,H., U.Ü.Matb., Bursa, 1989, Sy.:159.
  • Yücel,A., ERTÜRK,H., Gelişken,Ö., Özçetin,H. : Evaluation of our intraocular foreign body cases. XX. U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin. Ed: Özçetin,H., Ertürk,H., U.Ü. Matb., Bursa, 1989, Sy.: 163.
  • Gelişken,Ö., ERTÜRK,H., Özçetin,H. : Spotted Retinopathy. XX. U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin. Ed: Özçetin,H., Ertürk,H., U.Ü. Matb., Bursa, 1989, Sy: 73.
  • Özmen,A., Gelişken,Ö., ERTÜRK,H. : Treatment of complications of Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis. XX. U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin. Ed: Özçetin,H., Ertürk,H., U.Ü. Matb., Bursa, 1989, Sy.: 140.
  • Şafak,N., Gelişken,Ö., ERTÜRK,H. : Preliminary evaluation of our uveitis clinic. XX. U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin. Ed: Özçetin,H., Ertürk,H., U.Ü. Matb., Bursa, 1989, Sy.: 145.
  • Gelişken,Ö., Şafak,N., ERTÜRK,H. : First results of clindamycine therapy in ocular toxoplasmosis. XX. U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin. Ed: Özçetin,H., Ertürk,H., U.Ü. Matb., Bursa, 1989, Sy.: 148.
  • Şafak,N., Gelişken,Ö., ERTÜRK,H. : Fundus findings in systemic lupus erytomatosis. XX. U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin. Ed: Özçetin,H., Ertürk,H., U.Ü. Matb., Bursa, 1989, Sy.: 157.
  • Gelişken,Ö., Özçetin,H., ERTÜRK,H. : Alport’s syndrome and flecked retinopathy. Bull.Soc.Belge.Ophthalmol. 220:75-79, 1987.
  • ERTÜRK,H. : Congenital glaucomas. Türkiye Klinikleri. 7:525-529, 1987.
  • Gelişken,Ö., ERTÜRK,H., Özçetin,H. : Nd-YAG laser application results. T.Oft.Gaz. 17:596, 1987.
  • ERTÜRK,H., Gelişken,Ö., Göklen,C.P. : Dacriocystorhinostomy operations in two cases with giant sacs. T.Oft.Gaz. 17: 691, 1987.
  • ERTÜRK,H. : Visual field examination methods. T.Oft. Gaz. 17:739, 1987.
  • Özçetin,H., Şirmuhammedi,P., Gelişken,Ö., ERTÜRK,H. : Our results of anterior camera angle semi-flexible intraocular lens implantation. XX.U.T.Oft.Kong. and IX.Winter Semp. Bulletin: Cataracts and Treatment. Ed.:Özçetin,H., Gelişken,Ö., U.Ü. Matb., Bursa, 1988, Sy.:59-64.
  • ERTÜRK,H. : Visual field changes in glaucoma. T.Oft.Gaz. 18: 73-83, 1988.
  • Gelişken,Ö., Hendrikse,F., ERTÜRK,H. : Juvenile dissiform macular degenerations. XXI.U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin. Ed.:Haznedaroglu,G. et al., Karınca Matb., Izmir, 1988, Sy.:169-176.
  • Yücel,A., Gelişken,Ö., ERTÜRK,H. : Endocrinological approach to red eye cases with unknown etiology. XXI.U.T.Oft.Kong.Bült. Ed.:Haznedaroglu,G. et al., Karınca Matb., Izmir, 1988, Sy: 1191-1194.
  • Gelişken,F., Özçetin,H., ERTÜRK,H., Gelişken,Ö. : Pseudophakic intraocular hypertension and/or glaucoma. XXI.U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin. Ed.:Haznedaroglu,G. et al., Karınca Matb., Izmir, 1988, Sy: 374-379.
  • ERTÜRK,H., İmamoğlu,Ş., Atabey,T. : Dacrioscintigraphic examination in tear drainage. T.Oft.Gaz. 18:217-224, 1988.
  • ERTÜRK,H., Özçetin,H., Aydın,M. : The results obtained with modified Allen type mobile prosthesis in our clinic. T.Oft.Gaz. 18:334-340, 1988.
  • Kutlu,S., ERTÜRK,H., Gelişken,Ö., Özmen,A. : Radiological appearances of glass from intraocular and/or orbital foreign bodies. T.Oft.Gaz. 18:290-294, 1988.
  • Aydın,M., Özçetin,H., ERTÜRK,H. : Late results of flexible and semi-flexible anterior chamber lenses applied in our clinic. XXII. U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin. Ed.:Doğan,Ö.K. et al., Ülkü Basımevi, Konya, 1988, Sy.:415-420.
  • Tümer,N., ERTÜRK,H., Özçetin,H., Aydın,M., Aşurmuhammedi,A. : Results of trabecular surgery performed in our clinic. XXII. U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin. Ed.:Doðan,Ö.K. et al., Ülkü Basımevi, Konya, 1988, Sy.:450-461.
  • ERTÜRK,H., Özçetin,H. : Comparison of Goldmann and automatic computerised perimetry findings in the early diagnosis and follow-up of wide angle glaucoma. XXII. U.T.Oft.Kong.Bült. Ed.:Doğan,Ö.K. et al., Ülkü Basımevi, Konya, 1988, Sy: 421-425.
  • ERTÜRK,H. : Stereophotography of the optic disc. XXII. U.T.Oft.Kong.Bült. Ed.:Doğan,Ö.K. et al., Ülkü Basımevi, Konya, 1988, Sy: 653-656.
  • Özçetin,H., Gelişken,Ö., Özmen,A.T., ERTÜRK,H. : Travmatik kataraktlarda GİL implantasyonunun uzun dönem sonuçları. Bull.Soc.Belge Ophthamol. 228:1-8, 1988.
  • ERTÜRK,H., Özçetin,H., Gelişken,Ö., Avcı,R. : Our secondary intraocular lens implantation results. X.Winter Semp. Bulletin. Ed.:Özçetin H.,Ertürk,H., U.Ü.Matb., Bursa, 1989, Sy.:116.
  • Özçetin,H., Gelişken,Ö., ERTÜRK,H., Gelişken,F. : Intraocular lens application in paediatric cataracts. X.Winter Semp. Bulletin. Ed.:Özçetin H.,Ertürk,H., U.Ü.Matb., Bursa, 1989, Sy.: 175.
  • Özçetin,H., ERTÜRK,H., Aydın,M., Gelişken,Ö. : Our results of posterior chamber lens implantation with ciliary sulcus fixation. T.Oft.Gaz. 19:97-104, 1989.
  • Miglior,S., Bottoni,F., Gonnella,P., ERTÜRK,H., Orzalesi,N. : Morphometric investigations of papillary parameters in normal and glaucomatous saggets. Bulletin of Ophthalmology 68:115-120, 1989.
  • Yerci,Ö., Özsoy,Z., Palalı,Z., ERTÜRK,H., Onart,S. : Histopathological and clinical examination and surgical treatment of skin cancers. National Journal of Surgery 5:59-63, 1989.
  • Avcı,R., ERTÜRK,H., Özçetin,H. : The effect of diclofenac sodium on postoperative inflammation. XXIII. U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin. Ed.:Köker,F. et al., Çukurova Ü.Basýmevi, Adana, 1989, Sy: 156-159.
  • ERTÜRK,H., Gelişken,Ö. : Retrobulbar "Chlorpromazine" treatment in absoluated glaucoma. XXIII. U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin. Ed.:Köker,F. et al., Çukurova Ü.Basımevi, Adana, 1989, Sy: 126-128.
  • ERTÜRK,H., Özçetin,H., Avcı,R. : The effect of diclofenac sodium on pupillary width. XXIII. U.T.Oft.Kong.Bült. Ed.:Köker,F. et al., Çukurova U.Basımevi, Adana, 1989, Sy: 160-163.
  • Sapan,N., Çil,E., Doğruyol,H., ERTÜRK,H., Ildırım,İ., Akçağlar,S., Balkan,E.: Hirschprung, congenital cataract and Down syndrome. Uludag U. Medical Faculty Journal. 16:551-556, 1989.
  • Avci,R., ERTÜRK,H. : Treatment of chronic chalazion with intralesional corticosteroid. T.Oft.Gaz. 20:359-361, 1990.
  • Gelişken,F., ERTÜRK,H., Tolunay,S. : Corneal dermoid and corneal transplantation in a child: A case report. T.Oft.Gaz. 20:206-208, 1990.
  • ERTÜRK,H., İmamoğlu,Ş., Özçetin,H. : "Euthyroid Graves" ophthalmopathy. T.Oft.Gaz. 20:362-365, 1990.
  • ERTÜRK,H. : Canalicular-dacriocystorhinostomy: Method and our results. XXIV.U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin. Ed.:Günalp,İ. et al., Yıldırım Ofset Basımevi, Ankara, 1990, Vol. 2, Sy.:36-39.
  • Gelişken,F., ERTÜRK,H. : The effect of cigarette smoking on intraocular pressure in the early period. XXIV.U.T.Oft.Kong.Bült. Ed.:Günalp,İ. et al., Yıldırım Ofset Basımevi, Ankara, 1990, Vol. 1, Sy: 328-332.
  • Tümer,N., ERTÜRK,H. : Photostress test in patients with glaucoma and ocular hypertension. XXIV.U.T.Oft.Kong.Bült. Ed.:Günalp,İ. et al., Yıldırım Ofset Basımevi, Ankara, 1990, Vol. 1, Sy: 336-341.
  • Doğru,M., Gelişken,F., Geliþken,Ö., ERTÜRK,H., Özçetin,H. : Our approach in cases with lens subluxation and luxation. XIII.Winter Semp. Bulletin. Ed: Özçetin,H., Ertürk,H., Gelişken,Ö., Özsan Matb., Bursa, 1990, Sy: 63-68.
  • ERTÜRK,H. : Keratoconus clinic. XIII.Winter Semp. Bulletin. Ed: Özçetin,H., Ertürk,H., Gelişken,Ö., Özsan Matb., Bursa, 1990, Sy: 145-148.
  • ERTÜRK, H., Özçetin,H., Avcı,R. : Diclofenac sodium for the prevention of surgically-induced miosis. Eur J Implant Ref Surg 3:55-57, 1991.
  • Özmen,A., ERTÜRK,H., Doðru,M., Özçetin,H., Karadenizli,C. : Our first results with heparinised posterior chamber lenses. XXV.U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin, Vol: 2, Istanbul, 1991, Sy.:65-68.
  • ERTÜRK,H., Oğurtanı,C. : Laser trabeculoplasty: Early and mid-term results. XXV.U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin, Vol: 2, Istanbul, 1991, Sy: 78-82.
  • ERTÜRK,H. : Treatment approach in recurrent pterygium. XXV.U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin, Vol: 1, Istanbul, 1991, Sy: 95-96.
  • ERTÜRK,H. : Congenital oculoplasties: Coloboma and epicanthus. XI.U.Oft.Course: Lacrimal system diseases and oculoplastic surgery. Ed: Hasanreisoglu,B. et al. Yıldırım Ofset Basımevi, Ankara, 1991, Sy.:137-140.
  • ERTÜRK,H. : Corneal endothelium: Anatomy and physiology. Basics of Intraocular Lens Implantation. Ed.:Özçetin,H., Abdi İbrahim İlaç San. 1991, Sy.:41-43.
  • ERTÜRK,H. : Etiology, clinic and treatment of primary open angle glaucoma. XII.U.Oft.K.: Klinik Uygulamalı Glaucoma Course Bulletin. Ed.:Hasanreisoğlu,B. et al., Yıldırım Ofset Basımevi, Ankara, 1992, Sy: 30-38.
  • Avcı,R., ERTÜRK,H.,Özçetin,H. : The effect of diclofenac sodium on postoperative inflammation. Eur J Implant Ref Surg. 5:68-70, 1993.
  • ERTÜRK,H., Oğurtanı,C. : The use of Mitomycin-C in trabecular surgery. XXVI.U.T.Oft.Kong.Bült. Ed.:Özçetin,H., Ertürk,H., Avcı,R., Ön-Mat A.Ş., Bursa, Vol. 2, 1993, Sy: 546-549.
  • ERTÜRK,H., Özmen,A.T., Doğru,M. : The effect of Oxybuprocaine (Benoxinate) on miosis due to surgical trauma. XXVI.U.T.Oft.Kong.Bült. Ed.:Özçetin,H., Ertürk,H., Avcı,R., Ön-Mat A.Ş., Bursa, Vol. 1, 1993, Sy: 279-283.
  • Çil,A., Özmen,A.T., ERTÜRK,H. : The role of 5% povido iodine solution in preoperative prophylaxis. Ophthalmology 2:258-259, 1993.
  • ERTÜRK,H. : Eyelash epilation. XVI.Winter Symp.Bulletin: Eyebrow and Lid Diseases. Ed.:Avcı,R., Ertürk,H., Ön-Mat A.Ş., Bursa,1993, Sy.:23-25.
  • ERTÜRK,H.: Ocular decongestants. XIII. U.T.Oft.Course Bulletin: Ocular Pharmacology and Applied FFA. Ed: Duman,S. et al., Yıldırım Ofset Basımevi, Ankara, 1993, Sy.:132-135.
  • ERTÜRK,H., Özçetin,H., Özmen,A. : The place of computed corneal topography in the follow-up of radial keratotomy cases. XXVII.U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin, Ed.:Andaç,K. et al., Yeniyol Matb., İzmir, 1994, Vol. 1, Sy: 451-457.
  • ERTÜRK,H. : Wound healing and fibrous tissue inhibition. XXVII.U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin, Ed.:Andaç,K. et al., Yeniyol Matb., Izmir, 1994, Vol. III, Sy: 1992-1994.
  • Şafak E, Özcan M, ERTÜRK H. : Our results of aponeurosis repair in upper eyelid ptosis with aponeurosis surgery. XXVII.U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin, Ed.:Andaç,K. et al., Yeniyol Matb., Izmir, 1994, Sy: 1734-1737.
  • ERTÜRK,H. : Speciality lenses : Bifocal, multifocal, hypernegative and LVA lenses. XXVIII.U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin. Ed: Doğan,Ö.K., Aydın,R.C., Yeni İnan Matb., Tekirdağ, 1994, Sy.:138-140.
  • Karadenizli,C., ERTÜRK,H., Yücel,A. : Prevention of intraocular pressure increase after Nd-Yag laser posterior capsulotomy. XXVIII.U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin. Ed: Doğan,Ö.K., Aydın,R.C., Yeni İnan Matb., Tekirdag, 1994, Sy: 346-349.
  • Özpolat,H.T., ERTÜRK,H., Avcı,R., Yücel,A., Gelişken,Ö., Özçetin,H.: Cataract surgery in patients with retinitis pigmentosa. XXVIII.U.T.Oft.Kong.Bulletin. Ed: Doğan,Ö.K., Aydın,R.C., Yeni İnan Matb., Tekirdag, 1994, Sy: 603-605.
  • Çil,A., ERTÜRK,H., Yücel,A.,Özçetin,H. : Postoperative biometry in pseudophakic eyes. MN Ophthalmology 2:234-236, 1995.
  • Avcı,R., Yazıcı,B., Gelişken,Ö., ERTÜRK,H. : Vitreoretinal surgery for intraretinal foreign bodies. Ret-Vit (Suppl) 3:309-314, 1995.
  • ERTÜRK,H., Oğurtanı,C., Yücel,A. : Argon laser trabeculoplasty: Late results. MN Ophthalmology 2:149-153, 1995.
  • ERTÜRK,H., Özçetin,H. : Phakic posterior chamber intraocular lenses for the correction of high myopia. J Refract Surg. 11:388-391, 1995.
  • Çil,A., ERTÜRK,H., Avcı,R., Özçetin,H. : SRKII and Binkhorst I formulae in intraocular lens power calculation. T.Oft.Gaz. 25:57-60, 1995.
  • ERTÜRK,H., İlici,Ö., Özçetin,H. : The place of visometry in cataract surgery. T.Oft.Gaz. 25:61-64, 1995.
  • ERTÜRK, H. : Ultrason biomicroscopi T.Oft.Gaz. 25:275-278, 1995
  • Şimşek,Ş., Demirok,A., Yücel,A.A., ERTÜRK,H.: One year follow-up results of argon laser trabeculoplasty. T.Oft.Gaz. 25:329-332, 1995.
  • Simsek,S., Erturk,H., Demirok,A., Aydin,E., Bayram,A.: Comparison of the efficacy of 0.25% and 1% apraclonidine in preventing early intraocular pressure rise after Nd-YAG laser posterior capsulotomy. T.Oft.Gaz. 25:337-340, 1995.
  • ERTÜRK,H.: Phakic posterior chamber intraocular lenses for the correction of high myopia. J Refract Surg. 1996 ; 12:455-456.
  • Simsek,S., Saricoglu,A., Demirok,A., Erturk,H. : The last resort in glaucoma treatment: Molteno tube. T.Oft Gaz. 26:35-38, 1996.
  • Şimşek,Ş., ERTÜRK,H., Demirok,A., Çınal,A., Yaşar,T., Karadenizli,C.: The effect of 0.25% apraclonidine in the prevention of intraocular pressure elevation following Nd:YAG laser posterior capsulotomy. Eastern J.Medicine 2:104-108, 1996.
  • ERTÜRK,H.: Posterior camera intraocular lens implantation in high myopic phakic eyes. MN Ophthalmology 3:330-334, 1996.
  • Yazıcı,B., ERTÜRK,H., Yücel,A., Yazıcı,Z., Parlak,M.: Evaluation of cases with epiphora by digital substraction macrodacryocystography. MN Ophthalmology 3:376-379, 1996.
  • Şimşek, Ş., ERTÜRK,H., Demirok,A., Cınal,A., Yaşar,T., Karadenizli,C. :The effect of 0.25% apraclonidine in the prevention of intraocular pressure elevation following Nd:YAG laser posterior capsulotomy. Eur J Ophthalmol 8:167-172, 1998.
  • ERTÜRK H. : Endothelial mediators in the ophthalmic circulation. XX.Winter Symp.Bulletin: Optic Nerve Head Ed.:Gündüz K. Yeni Meram, Konya, 1998, 26-27.
  • Yazıcı B, Yazıcı Z, ERTÜRK H, Parlak M : Balloon dacryocystoplasty in the treatment of obstructive epiphora in adults. MN Ophthalmology (IN PRINT)
  • Yazici B., ERTÜRK,H.: Long-term visual field fluctuation in stable glaucoma. MN Ophthalmology 5: 280-284, 1998.
  • ERTÜRK H : A new hope in the treatment of high myopia: Hat lens. TOD Cataract and Refractive Surgery Unit Bulletin. 3:6-7, 1998.
  • ERTÜRK,H.: Ultrasound Biomicroscopy. XIX.U.Oft.Kurs Bulletin. Imaging Methods. Ed.:Kural G. et al. Şahin Matb. Ankara, 1999, Sy.:15-20.
  • Yazici B., ERTÜRK H. : Long-term fluctuation of visual field in ocular hypertension. MN Ophthalmology 7:243-246, 2000.
  • Yazıcı Z., Yazıcı B., Parlak M., ERTÜRK H., Savcı G. : Erişkinlerde obstrüktif epiforanın balon dakriyosistoplasti ile tedavisi. Br J Ophthalmol 83:692-696, 1999.
  • Yazici B., Usta E., ERTÜRK H.: The effect of potentiated topical antibiotics on the dissolution rate of corneal oedema in a rabbit model. XXX.T.Oft.Kong Bulletin. Ed: Kural G, Duman S. Ankara. Vol. 2, 130-133, 1996.
  • Aydin E., Erturk H., Yazici B.: Comparison of the effects of thymolo maleate, betaxolol HCl and carteolol on intraocular pressure in primary open angle glaucoma. T Klin Ophthalmology 9:92-97; 2000.
  • Aydın E., ERTÜRK H. : The effects of timolol maleate, betaxolol HCl and carteolol on visual field in primary open angle glaucoma. T Oft. Gaz. 30:444-450, 2000.
  • ERTÜRK H. : Trabeculectomy with MMC. I.Applied Glaucoma Surgery Symposium Ed: Turacli E, Tamcelik N. Doyuran Matb., Istanbul, 2000; Sy:4-18.
  • ERTÜRK H. "Clinical Examination Methods" section in the Basic Ophthalmological Diseases Book. Ed. Aydın P., Akova Y. , Güneş Kitapevi, Ankara - 2001. (BOOK SECTION).
  • Yücel AA, ERTÜRK H. : Regression of neovascular corneal scarring with subconjunctival alfa-interferon Invest Ophth Vis Sci 2001: 42(4 Suppl): 2588. ARVO 27.4 – 06.5.2001 Fort Laundedale – USA (Poster – Won an award)
  • Yazici B. ERTÜRK H. : Clinical efficacy of an objective and quantitative method for visual field evaluation in glaucoma. MN Ophthalmology 8: 140-144, 2001.
  • Özmen AT, Doğru M, Çakal O, ERTÜRK H. : Sık değiştirilen yumuşak kontakt lens kullanıcılarında gözyaşı filmi ve oküler yüzey değişiklikleri. Invest Ophth Vis Sci 2001: 42(4 Suppl): 3193.
  • Doğru M, Özmen A, ERTÜRK H. Özçetin H, Karakaya H, Baykara M : Ocular surface alterations in keratokonus. Invest Ophth Vis Sci 2001: 42 (4 Suppl): 4872.
  • Doğru M., Özmen AT., ERTÜRK H., Özçetin H., Karakaya H., Baykara M.: Corneal and tear changes in keratoconus. MN Ophthalmology 8:372-375, 2001.
  • Özmen A., Doğru M., ERTÜRK H., Özçetin H.: Transsclerally fixated intraocular lenses in children. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 2002; 33:394-399.
  • Şanlı İ.Ö., Doğru M., ERTÜRK H. : Limbal stem cells and their clinical significance. T Klin Ophthalmology 11: 227-232, 2002.
  • Doğru M., ERTÜRK H., Özmen AT, Kaderli B. : Our approach to paediatric glaucoma cases. T Klin Ophthalmology 11: 182-188, 2002.
  • Doğru M, Özmen A, ERTÜRK H, Şanlı Ö, Karataş A.: Changes in tear function and ocular surface after topical olopatadine treatment for allergic conjunctivitis : An open-label study. Clinical Therapeutics 2002; 24 : 1309-1321.
  • Yazıcı B. Salkaya M. Özmen A. ERTÜRK H. : Silicone intubation with ritleng method in congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction. T Klin Ophthalmol 11:68-92, 2002.
  • Yazıcı B. Usta E. ERTÜRK H. Dilek K. : Nocturnal hypotension in primary open angle glaucoma. MN Ophthalmology 9 : 20-23, 2002.
  • Özmen A. Doğru M. Sarıcaoğlu H. Baykara M. ERTÜRK H. Özçetin H. : Ophthalmological findings in cases of collodion infants. MN Ophthalmology 9: 104-106, 2002.
  • Yazıcı Z., Yazıcı B., Parlak M., Tuncel E., ERTÜRK H. : Treatment of nasolacrimal duct obstruction with polyurethane stent placement : Long-term results : Am J Roentgenol. 2002; 179: 491-494.
  • Salkaya M, Doğru M, Özmen AT, ERTÜRK H, Özçetin H : Amnion membrane transplantation. T Oft Gaz. 2002; 32:632-640.
  • Yazıcı B, Gelişken Ö, ERTÜRK H, Avcı R : Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment after scleral fixation intraocular lens implantation. Retina- Vitreus. 2002; 10: 60-68.
  • Baykara M, Doğru M, Özçetin H, ERTÜRK H. : Primary repair and intraocular lens implantation after perforating eye injury. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2002 ; 28:1832-5.
  • Doğru M., Yıldız M., Baykara M, Özçetin H, ERTÜRK H : Corneal sensitivity and ocular surface changes following amniotic membrane transplantation for nonhealing corneal ulcers. Eye. 2003; 17: 139-148.
  • Yazıcı B, Usta E, ERTÜRK H, Dilek K. : Comparison of ambulatory blood pressure values in patients with glaucoma and ocular hypertension. Eye. 2003; 16: 1-6.
  • ERTÜRK H. Salkaya M.: Drainage implant surgery in glaucoma. MN Ophthalmology. 2003; 10: 33-36.
  • Baykara M, ERTÜRK H, Özçetin H. : Capsular block syndrome in a case with excessive remnants. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2003; 34: 308-309.
  • Doğru M, Karakaya H, Özçetin H, ERTÜRK H, Yücel A, Özmen A, Baykara M, Tsubota K. : Tear function and ocular surface changes in keratoconus. Ophthalmology. 2003 ; 110:1110-8.
  • Doğru M., ERTÜRK H., Shimazaki J., Tsubota K., Gul M. : Tear function and ocular surface changes with topical MMC treatment for primary corneal intraepitelial neoplasia. Cornea 2003; 22:627-639.
  • ERTÜRK H. Primary Open Angle Glaucoma and Primary Juvenile Glaucoma. Glaucoma. Ed. Turaçlı E. et al. SFN Publishing, 2003 ; Sy. 69-76. (BOOK CHAPTER).
  • Doğru M, Baykara M, Aygül F, Özmen A, ERTÜRK H., Özçetin H : Our clinical experience in cases with bacterial keratitis. T Oft Gaz 2003; 12: 208- 214.
  • Baykara M, Şahin S, ERTÜRK H. : Ön kamarada serbest iris kisti. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2004; 35:74-75.
  • ERTÜRK H. : Lens implantation in the phakic eye in ametropia. TOD 24.U.Oft. Course- Refraction Surgery. Ed. Can I et al. Şahin Matbaası-Ankara, 2004, 219-230.
  • ERTÜRK H. : Medical treatment of primary glaucoma. T.Klin Ophthalmology. 2004; 13:76-86.
  • Baykara M., ERTÜRK H., Avcı R., Karataş A., Akova B. : Intraocular lens implantation with scleral fixation method. T.Oft Gaz. 2004; 34: 55-60.
  • Ozcetin H., Baykara M., Erturk H., Akova B. : Intraocular lens opacities and/or pseudocataract. T.Oft.Gaz. (In press)
  • ERTÜRK H., Özçetin H. Eyelid Diseases. Clinical Eye Diseases. Ed. Özçetin H. Nobel Matbaacılık, Istanbul. 2003; Sy. 1-18 (BOOK CHAPTER)
  • ERTÜRK H. Kinetic Perimetry. Visual Field Handbook. Ed. Aydın P. Aksu Basım Yayım, Istanbul, 2005; Sy. 42-46. (BOOK CHAPTER)
  • Yalçınbayır Ö., ERTÜRK H., Uzaslan EK, Akduman L.: Pulmonary function test results in patients using antiglaucoma agents. MN Ophthalmology 2006, 13: 253-255.
  • Baykara M, Ozakin C, Doğru M, ERTÜRK H, Heper Y, Ozçetin H. : The effect of anterior chamber maintainer on anterior chamber contamination. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2003 Nov-Dec;13(9-10):770-2.
  • Ertürk H. Glaucoma Treatment Strategy in Pregnant Women Survey Results. T Clinics J Ophthalmol 2010, 19:171-175.
  • ERTÜRK H. Examination Methods. Basic Eye Diseases. Ed. Aydın P., Akova YA. Güneş Tıp Kitapevleri, Ankara, 2010; Sy.25-32.
  • Erturk H., Aydinli J., Moray M.: Ophthalmology. Atlas of Paediatric Physical Diagnosis. Zitelli BJ, Davis HW, Transl. Ed. Tarım K. Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, İstanbul, 2010; Sy.713-754.
  • Asker S., Timuçin ÖB, Ursavaş A, Aslancı ME, Baykara M, ERTÜRK H., Asker M, Yılmaz S, Kaya DT. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and blood flow to the eyes. Eastern J Med. 2013, 18: 165-171.


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