Year of Birth: 1971
Education & Specialisation:
Master's Degree: Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine / 1988-1994
Doctorate: Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital - Anaesthesiology and Reanimation / 1997-2002
Title: Specialist Doctor
Institutions :
Avcılar Deniz Köşkler Health Centre General Practitioner 1995-1995
Pendik Esenyalı Health Centre General Practitioner 1995-1997
Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital Assistant Doctor 1997-2002
Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital Chief Assistant Specialist Doctor 2002 -2012
Ataköy Dünyagöz Hospital Specialist Doctor 2012-2023
Nişantaşı University Vocational School of Health Research Assistant Doctor 2015-2022
Professional Memberships:
Istanbul Medical Chamber
Turkish Society of Anaesthesiology and Reanimation
Articles published in international refereed journals:
1-Kara T, Özbağrıaçık Ö, Türk Ş, Işıl C, Gökuç O, Ünsal O, Seyhan E, Oba S: Sugammadex versus neostigmin in pediatric patients: a prospective randomized study Revista Brasileira de anestesiologica 2014; 64 (6): 400-405.
2-Koçkaya G, Koçkaya PD, Özbağrıaçık Ö, Oba S :İmproving Cost-efficeny at a hospital by showing the time-saving effect of using different neuromusculer blockers for short operations. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research 2014 Vol: 5( 1) S: 61-66 .
3-Ünsal O, Türk Ş, Sayın P, Özbağrıaçık Ö, Totoz T, Oba S: Continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration treatment in life –threaning Lithium toxicity : A case Report .The İnternet journal of anesthesiology Vol 30: Number :2
Articles published in national refereed journals:
1-Oba S, Paksoy İ, Gundogan F, Cınat S, Ozbagrıacik O: Hereditary pheochromocytoma due to two cases Şişli Etfal Hospital Medical Bulletin Volume:43 Issue:1 2009 S:48-50
2-Imamoglu S, Paksoy I, Oba S, Cinar S, Yilmaz L, Bektas M: Comparison of the effects of fentanyl and remifentanil on haemodynamics and recovery in total intravenous anaesthesia for intracranial interventions. Şişli Etfal Hospital Medical Bulletin 37: 1-2003 S: 35-44
3- Oba S, Aydoğmuş M, Özbagrıaçık Ö, Açık E, Pehlivan S: A rare catheter complication in a paediatric patient: Case report Şişli Etfal Hospital Medical Bulletin47: 1- 2013 S.41-44.
4- Oba S, Çınar S, Paksoy İ, Aşık G, Özbağrıaçık Ö: Effects of premedication with midazolam morphine meperidine and fentanyl on sedation level and arterial blood gas. Şişli Etfal Hospital Medical Bulletin 2001 pages 15-18
5- Sivrikaya GU, Oba S, Hancı A, Özbagrıaçık Ö : A retrospective study of acute poisoning cases treated in our intensive care unit. Journal of Toxicology 4 (3-4) 29-34, 2006
6-Çınar S, Oba S, Paksoy İ, Ekşioğlu B, Özbağrıaçık Ö, Türkoğlu L :Comparison of the efficacy of tramadol and fentanyl in patient controlled analgesia: Şişli Etfal Hospital Medical Bulletin 2001 S. 23-27
7- Kılınçoğlu N, Oba s, Paksoy İ, Özbagrıaçık Ö: Comparison of postoperative analgesia methods in paediatric lower abdominal surgery. Şişli Etfal Hospital Medical Bulletin 40 :3-2006 P. 19-24.
8-Ergen M, Oba S, Özbağrıaçık Ö, Paksoy İ, Şahin L, Tuygun M: Comparison of the effects of remifentanil and fentanyl on surgical stress response under sevoflurane anaesthesia in patients undergoing cholecystectomy operation. Sisli Etfal Hospital Medical Bulletin 41 : 1- 2007 S:28-35.
9-Oba S, Turkay M, Paksoy İ, Özbagrıaçık Ö, Açık E, Türk Ş: Geriatric neuroanaesthesia: A retrospective study of 158 patients. Sisli Etfal Hospital Medical Bulletin 48 : 10 ,2014 S:1-5.
10- Doğan A, Özbağrıaçık Ö, Oba S, Türkay M: Hipoksik iskemik ensefalopatili infantta açık Nissen funduplikasyonu için torasik epidural analjezi: Editöre mektup. Turkiye Klinikleri J Anest Reanim 10 (1) :2012 S: 69-70.
11- Oba S, Enhoş S, Çınar S, Özbagrıaçık Ö : Comparison of the effects of propofol-isoflurane and propofol-sevoflurane anaesthesia on renal function tests and recovery Şişli Etfal Hospital Medical Bulletin 1998 S : 56-60.
12- Özbağrıaçık Ö, Oba s; Paksoy İ, Erol M, Aktaş Ö, Atalan G : Comparison of remifentanil and alfentanil in terms of haemodynamics and recovery in tonsillectomy operations Şişli Etfal Hospital Medical Bulletin 40 (3 ) 2006 S:25-34